Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Gujjars and Supreme Court

Reservation is a topic which is close to my heart and you will regularly see me posting my views over it. Yes, i am against reservation which is based upon caste and i made my reasons clear in one of my earlier posts. Although i know that there is little chance of getting rid of this malaise soon, i would love to see more people coming out in the open and declaring that it benefits no one but the richer section of low-caste.
Its interesting to note that proteste began in Dausa where Sachin Pilot is the MP and he himself is a Gujjar. Now my question for all the pro-resevation ppl: does Sachin Pilot or his son/daughter deserve reservation? I think now these so called ppl fighting for social justice would like to come up with a lame duck answer. My answer :Tell me about ur vested interest.

Supreme Court has rightly taken up the issue and asked the police to explain their action to contain the stir. Thats fine but my point: Why has the Court and all the leading newspapers and statesmen of the country left out Mr Arjun Singh? Isnt he the one who instigated this issue again? Isnt he indirectly responsible for the deaths? Why is no one asking these questions?

Mr Sachin Pilot is a congress MP and hence he has more involvement with the issue (apart from the fact that he is a Gujjar). In a recent interview he says :
"Caste predominance and assertions are on the rise. It is not confined to just one set of people but exists in several communities and many sections of society, especially those who have lived on the fringes for long. The whole question of granting reservation begs a wider debate".
Source: http://www.kalingatimes.com/interviews/news_20070611_Gujjar_Meena_conflict_was_politically_motivated.htm

Aha, Mr Pilot!! Now you are saying the issue begs a wider debate!! Where exactly was your view poin when an older luminary of your party was pegging resevation as the sole saviour of downtrodden?
Sheer nonsense. There is no other way to look at these happenings. While all this drama is being played by the elected jokers of our democracy, eligible students suffer and richer kids from SC/ST/OBC make a killing in IIT/IIMs.

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