Friday, April 10, 2009

Its been a while....

Its been a while....sang Staind. Cnt help thinking of the song as boredom drives me towards blogging again after two years. Its been two long and tough years. I managed to complete my masters(MBA) and called it a day as far as studies were concerned. As I look back, I remember very clearly when I started thinking seriously about MBA.I had worked for abt 2 years and had started to get bored. I dint know what I wanted to do in life. Honestly speaking, I dint even know how would an MBA help! But then logic dictated that its gotta help if you spend time with some smart people for 2 years and of course,you learn new stuff. So I chased CAT and GMAT. But after MBA, and given the limited choices in recessionary times, the problem has only become more profound! Yeah, I have a job. It helps that I had done my internship there. But is this why I had done the MBA? I guess only time will that.
The thing about higher studies or for that matter learning more is that it only goes a long way in making things more complicated. You know more, you think more, you debate more. All the while, odds of making the right decision remain the same even after you study or learn more. phew!
With a few days off at home before I join, I thought might as well scribble a few words here. Its always fun to look back at one's thoughts after a while :-)

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