Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Was Indira Gandhi partially responsible for Rajiv Gandhi's assassination?

This post has a connection to the previous post where I was trying to find patterns in history. The way US intruded in Iraq and Afghanistan and ended up creating Al-Qaeda. Lets look closer home.
LTTE was funded by Indian govt ,in the initial days at least, coz of the alleged pro-Pakistani posture that the Sri Lankan Govt had adopted. Who was leading India at that point of time? Indira Gandhi. So India did the same perennial mistake which somehow seems to be at the bottom of all major terrorism issues in the world today: Governments shud not interfere in the affairs of other countries esp by funding any organization that is armed! You do that and you have a virtual guarantee, it will backfire. Ask US. Ask Pakistan. And now I say, ask India.
LTTE then went on to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi. What would have happened if India had opposed LTTE all along? We dont know. But wouldn't it be fair to say then that a part of the blame for Rajiv Gandhi's death lies on Indira Gandhi? I at least cnt think of it in any other way.
But the problem with all of us is: We just dnt learn from our mistakes in the past! We just steadfastly refuse to do so.

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